Fish Rain Gutter Downspout Extension

fish rain gutter downspout extensionNow I will admit that a fish rain gutter downspout extension is not something that everyone would want or appreciate. I would like a couple for the  downspouts on my house but my wife would throw a “hissy fit” if she saw them.

However we all probably know someone who would really love these. You know the type! Their home looks like it’s straight out of one of those fishing shows on TV. They have a large mural of a bass boat on the wall behind the couch. There are mounted fish everywhere. Their dog and kids dress as fish on Halloween. He has a fish shaped cap… and he wears it. The whole family would stand out in the rain and lightening and watch with glee as the water pours out of the fishes mouth.

Come on now, you know you know someone like that.

So go on, take a look at your gift list. I know that there is someone on there that will just love this fish rain gutter downspout.

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